
Monday 27 August 2012

Pippa says thanks...

So, I haven't been blogging for very long, in fact five weeks to the very day! In those five short weeks I have met so many lovely, sweet people and so many exciting things have happened! As a follower of the online craft community for many years, I already knew how warm, welcoming and inclusive it was, but to experience this first hand is something quite special.

Blogging and selling my wares has has been a dream of mine for a very long time, but I never did it.... this year has been somewhat of a life changer for me, which I may tell you all about sometime soon ;), and I think that this is the very thing that spurred me on.... to embrace that little dream of mine....

Which is why it means so much that someone would take the time to comment, to follow, to feature, or to give a nod or a shout out. This girl is grateful.... so....Thank you. :)

Pippa wanted to say thanks too....

She is clad entirely in mint green and poppy red, embroidered shoes, a cute little pocket on her apple print skirt (to keep all her essentials in!), floaty, lacy sleeves and a peter-pan collar.

She is quite particular about her hair, she wears it swooped into a fashionable side bun with an adorable tiny little red bow!

Pippa is available in my Etsy Shop .... have a look see!

Until next time! I have lots of exciting things happening over the next few months that I would LOVE to tell you about, but they will have to wait, all in good time, as they say ;) I have so many more 'Lou Loves This... Dolls' planned, my wee blog has just hit the five thousand hits mark and I also have two, yes two, tutorials on the horizon!!!  I'm a happy girl.... Stay tuned...


  1. Hi Louise,
    Your Pippa is so sweet! Love her big black eyes and the ligth blue hair.Gret work.
    Have a look at my blog I’ll be so glad.

    Hugs from Portugal

    Ana Love Craft

    1. Hi Ana, thank you for your sweet comment! Your blog is so pretty!!

  2. What a lovely post, Louise! Congrats on opening your Etsy shop!!! Pippa is so sweet!

    1. Thanks, Pam... you are one of the lovlies that I was talking about, you have been kind in your encouragement and support!

  3. she is adorable! I'd love to have these dolls :)
    I'll be happy if you check out my blog too:)

    1. Thanks, Gokce! I did check out your blog... you are one stylish lady!!

  4. So adorable! I love all of the sweet details and the overall look you achieved! wonderful work my dear!

    1. Thank you very much, such a lovely compliment!! :)

  5. Of course I have to feature the lovely little Pippa today!

  6. So fun to read your story. Thanks for sharing and your doll is adorable. I am your newest follower. Best of luck!


Thanks so much for stopping by.... let me know you were here.... I love comments :)

Louise x